Upcoming Speaker/Presenter: Deana Adziz & Messrs C H Lee Nora

My name is Deana Adziz. I am a partner at my legal firm Messrs C H Lee Nora.

Messrs C H Lee Nora is founded in year 2008 and throughout the years, our firm has steadily morphed into the vibrant and growing partnership that it is today. Our current practice covers different areas of law and sectors, having evolved from the original practice that comprised real estate transactions, banking and financing family and matrimonial issues, estate matters, land matters and many more in keeping abreast with the rapid developments nowadays.

I, Deana Adziz graduated from a local university in year 2016 with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) and in year 2021 with a Diploma in Syariah and Practice. I was admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in 2018.

My area of experience and expertise

I specialize in family law and estate matters. This involves matters relating to annulment of marriage, divorce, adoption, estate matters and disputes to name a few.

I cover both civil law and syariah law for family and estate matters.

What differs you from the others

I am well versed not only in family and estate law. I have an extensive experience and knowledge in handling matters in other branches of law such as conveyancing, civil litigation and corporate law.

My knowledge and experience enable me to provide a more thorough advice to my clients that would ensure a better outcome and understanding of their respective cases.

Value you and your business provide

We aim to provide the best solution for any cases that is provided to us. Family and estate matters are deemed to be sensitive as it would usually involve children, family members, reputation and also financial issues to name a few.

In these situations, it is best to have an experienced person to handle the discussion, negotiation and also process the respective cases with upmost care, consideration and professionalism in which we are able to provide.

What are the challenges you face in your industry?

The number of lawyers in the market has increased exponentially. This creates more competition in the current pool of clients that is getting smaller due to their financial constraints.

How we tackle this problem is to ensure we stand out from the rest as a reliable law firm that is able to provide professional legal service and exhibit our expertise in matters as sensitive such as family law and estate matters.

I am able to provide legal advise and services in both civil law and syariah law.

What kind of clients or contacts would you like to be connected to or in touch with

I would like to get in touch with clients who requires legal advice in matters pertaining to family law and estate matters and disputes.  

There is no greater feeling than to be of help to someone. To know the knowledge and experience that you accumulated over time would assist a person in their life, with their problems and to obtain the best outcome for their cases.

For further information, please refer to our website: https://chlnlaw.com/about-us/ or Contact Me : 019-300 2655