Sierra Vision 2023

Looking back at the year 2020, I can pretty much summarise with 1 word – Distractions.

I think we are so caught up by things happening around us, we tend to lose focus on the basic or fundamental activities that are important to us.

Hence, in the recent Closed Door Meeting, I took the opportunity to realign our mindset and action to drive better results for the years to come. Ultimately, leading to the introduction of Sierra Vision 2023.

Watch the video above to hear the full summary of my sharing on 6th April 2021.

Transcript of the video:

Hello viewers,

We had our closed door meeting yesterday and we dropped many gold nuggets there…

One of the big things is of course, I shared my vision for the chapter. Which is called Happy Contributing Culture.

Which means, I want us to be the happiest chapter in the region with the highest retention rate. All our members live up to the core philosophy of BNI by contributing the most measurable business.

I want to give you a little more context as of why I think this is the vision moving forward.

When I started my speech yesterday, I started by asking 2 questions….

I asked, “What is the 1 thing that makes you decide to join BNI” and “What is the 1 thing that makes you choose Sierra”.

And there’s a reason for that, because I am sure, 100%, that the answers are going to be positive.

And I want everybody to grab a hold of those moments and reignite your passion about BNI and Sierra.

Let’s face it, the world out there is not in its best shape today, there are tons of negative news, and we may have been drown by the sea of fear.

But the truth is, we were just distracted….

I believe, all of us business leader, can make a difference for as long as we hold on to those positive moments and be passionate about creating more great moments by serving more people.

We are not any less capable today than yesterday….we were just distracted.

So, as the President of Sierra, I want to give all of us something to look forward to, something that will give meanings to your daily tasks…knowing that whatever you’re contributing is bringing everybody closer to a destination…

Hence, the vision of Happy Contributing Culture.

Here’s a graphic of how Happy Contributing Culture should look like.

We will have 75 business leaders in the community. 75% green contributing members and retaining 75% of green contributing members.

Why 75? Because if we want to enjoy all the benefits that BNI system promised, we got to have 75 business leaders with 75% happy green contributing members.

Not even 60% or 50%.

Just imagine if there’s only 50% green contributing members, the chapter will not be able to sustain, contributors will be exhausted, and people will leave because this is not going to be a happy culture. And worst, the chapter will start to attract non-contributors.

So, in order for Happy Contributing Culture to take shape…Power of Titanium 75, is the goal.

Lastly, I shared the formula to succeed during this challenging time.

Hope + Plan + Action = Success

First of all, as business leaders, we really need to be focused, and cut through all the noise around us.

By staying positively focused, that creates hope. And that is the 1st ingredient in the equation.

Of course, just being hopeful and wait for miracle to happen doesn’t translate to success.

We got to have a plan. That means, you got to have personal goals and the chapter got to have chapter goals.

And the 3rd ingredient and probably the most important ingredient, which is Action. We all need to play our part in executing the plan, making sure that whatever we do, we are always 1 step closer to the vision.

So, what does success look like?

More businesses are alive and thriving because you reached out to entrepreneurs and show them how a group can help them.

You inspired more businesses to change their circumstances, changing their communities, and changing the world.

Your business is thriving because you have contributed in building a strong support system in your chapter.

And finally, you have become a Happy Contributing Member in a Happy Contributing Culture.

I strongly believe in the law of attraction, if 75% of us are Happy Contributing Members, before you know it, we will have 75 business leaders living our Happy Contributing Culture. 

Members, let’s keep the vision on top of our mind and let’s inspire people to inspire other people.

Leadership Team (Term April 2021)