Sierra 2020 Year in Review

What a year 2020 has been. Here are some sharing by fellow Sierra members on what 2020 has been and our thoughts and aspirations for the future.

Love and Joy

What I am grateful for year 2020 –
For everything that I have. For everything I gained. For the people I hold dear.

What to focus in year 2021 –
If I am able, to help those in need

Deanna Adziz

Im grateful that My family and all of us are healthy. Hopefully 2021 is a breakthrough year for all our sierrans!

Damon Kok

Want to expend my General Ins business to 500K in year 2021. I hope everybody have a healthy and cheerful year of 2021! 

Wang Chee Liang

A wonderful learning journey and support of my family and friends.

Personal growth, improved in relationships with family and friends, grow both logistics and confinement business


I am very grateful in 2020 that we are met…. Thank you very much for my new BNI buddies.  Thank you for all the support and all the laughters.   I am very happy that we can continue all this in 2021 😍😍😍😍

Joyce Teng

1 thing that I would grateful of 2020 is Sierra still alive!
1 thing I want to focus on 2021 is 10 x of sales!

Dudu Studio

Sierra 2020 year in review

Grateful for all the time with family and friends, and getting to know the warmest sierra members who have welcomed me with open arms.

To focus on building and growing the business in year 2021.

May Suan Wong

I’m grateful that Wang introduced Sierra to me, it was a very friendly, honest group of friends that i feel like i want to join you guys more. And thanks all Sierraians for your warn welcome and all the help & chances that you guys had given to me. For years 2021 i would like to focus on my property sales and try to bring more friends to Sierra. There is a lot more i have to learn from you guys, wish all Sierraians got their income double next year and we can spend more time singing K. Haha…


Where to start?? Really grateful that everyone still alive and really looking forward for 2021 and hope everyone as healthy as ever.. 


Sierra 2020 Review & 2021 Focus

Grateful of da new power team creation, Sales & Branding. Great emotional support from all members to my new business Brewhouse. 

2021 will be a brand new venture to expand my F&B business. 

Thank you & love you all!!

Carmen Chin

Sierra Year in Review 2020

Grateful to have finished year 2020 safe and sound and able to eat well and laugh plenty with great friends and business owners. 

Grow as a person and fulfill a purposeful year 2021

Vernon Foo

Sierra 2020 Review & 2021 Focus

Grateful of da new power team creation, Sales & Branding. Great emotional support from all members to my new business Brewhouse. 

2021 will be a brand new venture to expand my F&B business. 

Thank you & love you all!!

Carmen Chin

Thanks Giving!

It’s was a great moment together on this night! Although we are apart from each other but the bonds are strong to hold us as one! Hope the Pandemic will go off soon & we shall meet, celebrate every occasion every time for the coming years!! Cheers Sierran!!! Take care & Be Safe!!! 

AQ | The Bear 🐻 

I’m grateful for the support system that I have which is sierra. I hope to build closer connections with my sierra members in 2021

Kenneth Sim

What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger

Despite challenges, I have people that supports me along my journey. I’m very grateful to have very positive people surrounding me, pushing me to greater heights πŸ’ͺ

Wong Voon Fei

I am grateful for the friendships and continued business referrals especially during MCO. The referrals helped .you finances during this tough year.

Focus in 2021 is to expand my team and to help Sierra once again become top chapter in Malaysia.

Winson Tung


Grateful for having Sierra behind me and sticking together in 2020. Hoping 2021 would be a great start to this “new normal” with the lessons we’ve all learned as I believe whatever that doesn’t kill you   makes you stronger!!!!

Edwin Ng

Sierra 2020 Review & Focus for 2021

I’m grateful for in 2020 is my new power team, we able to come out with new directions together as a team and more opportunities to collaborate together. Focus for 2021 is to find more referral for my PT and look for more opportunities to collaborate together. And also grateful for my new born baby πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ 🍼🍼🍼

David Jong