Rosalie Lin & DCR Marketing

Roselie LIN

Loyalty Programmes
Tel: +012-295 7088

My name is Rosalie and I am the CEO and founder of Dynamic Creative & Resourcesful Sdn Bhd or better known as DCR Marketing Sdn Bhd. We are a marketing company specializes in Loyalty and Rewards programme and our key strength is into Marketing Collaborations. We have been operating for the past 15 years now.

I am also the co-founder for The Artisans Haven, a platform that is formed with my former boss and mentor to help the local artisans and small business owners.

How we got involve in this industry and in Malaysia
I have worked in the marketing segment for various industries such as retail, insurance and banking. It is while I was managing the credit cards Marketing portfolio in one of the local bank, I am able to expand my passion for Marketing. The business started “accidently” when I resigned from the bank to start my own family, and with my connections within the industry I was asked to help out my fellow ex colleagues on a freelance basis, that’s when I discover I can start my own business based on my passion.

What made you decide to go into this business and industry
Initially it started as something I need to do to survive or earn a living while focusing on my family, however I have to admit I love what I do especially when it involves, product sourcing – whereby we discover new products every day, partnerships – where you meet different people from various industries and I don’t want my corporate connections to go to waste so those are some of the key reasons that makes me decide to kick start the business.

How is DCR Marketing different from the other competitors
We like to think we live up to our name i.e. Dynamic, Creative and Resourceful. We want our clients to know that we are not just a vendor but a partner. We like to execute out of the box ideas/campaigns. We are always looking out for new innovative ways to connect with our customers and clients. Example we are the 1st to introduce the 0% Instalment to purchase branded or luxury products (Collaboration with HSBC & VALIRM group) which took the market by surprise, we were the 1st to introduce e-vouchers despite the challenges, 1st to have 10 banks on our platform to offer 0% interest Instalment plan up to 36 months from 10 banks, 1st to offer 0% Instalment when you purchase a motor insurance and 1st to sell a 2 wheeler online with 0% Instalment and I believe we will continue with many 1st to shock the market.

The value that DCR Marketing provides to our clients
We want to expand our customers market share and penetrate into different segments. We believe we add value due to the connections that we have built and also the innovative ideas. We also took time to understand our customer’s pain point so we can address those crucial items immediately. We are in the business to solve problems so if we cant than we are of no value to anyone.

Insights for the industry or marketplace
I believe we still have a lot of room of improvement and overall our industry does not adapt to changes fast enough. Example such as inter points exchange programmes is a programme that have been going around in other parts of the world but in Malaysia it’s something we still have not adopt.

We also don’t give enough selections to customers and we like to limit the usage of the rewards that we have awarded to the customers in the first place. This is a dangerous move cause consumers are quick and once they cannot see the value in your rewards, you won’t earn their loyalty.

The loyalty business is here to stay and now it has gone hybrid mode and split into various categories such as :-

a) B to B Loyalty programme
b) B to C Loyalty programme
c) B to B to C Loyalty Programme
d) Employee Benefits Programme

So I am excited to see all this continue to grow.

What do you think are the challenges and where are the opportunities for Malaysian businesses in relation to your industry?
Many organisations is still naïve when it comes to loyalty, they need to see beyond awarding reward points and cash rebates.

Its about segmentation, understanding the customer behaviour so you can offer the right products and services in order to gain their trust and loyalty.

Therefore education will be something we shall continue to do and proven to be very challenging with the smaller organisation. It is also a heavy investment to build and maintain a loyalty programme, in which one won’t see much returned in a short period of time, which also does not sits well with many business owners.

However we always believe when there is crisis, there is where the opportunities are lurking as well.

Who we would like to be connected to
We would like to be connected to E-wallet companies who has a huge database (15 Million) such as Touch N go or MLM companies such as Rubi-Cell. These companies not only have huge database they are also active in promotional activities which jives well with DCR’s synergy.

Dynamic Creative & Resourceful (DCR) Marketing Sdn Bhd is a 15 year old company. We focuses and specializes in Marketing, Rewards Loyalty, Usage & Redemption Programme with most of our clients are from the Financial & Corporate sectors (Local & International).