Message from the President

Dear Sierrans!

Great day everyone! Hope this message finds you well and in the best of health!

I just wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts with everyone after serving the chapter for the last six months! Still can’t believe how fast time flies when you’re having fun.

Before I continue my long message, a big shout out to my leadership team for standing strong and contributing in our shared direction for the chapter thus far. Your time and commitments are much appreciated. I can’t thank you guys enough for all that you do.

Now back to my message. To put some perspective into context, the opportunity to be and responsibilities I undertook when I became president for Sierra has been a humbling journey for me. Balancing both my business growth and that of our chapter including all Sierran business’s respectively have been both eye opening and showed me the capacity I have and lengths I will go through to grow and safeguard our little fun and thriving circle.

The drive or calling to serve others, I’d like to call it the Sierran spirit. Although for a short stint of only 1 year, the drive in service of #Sierra is a fulfilling one and to acknowledge its existence, I thought I’d take this opportunity to write down some words for all of us.

The love that we share within our chapter is contagious and is what drew me to it when I made my choice to be Sierran in 2019, it is also what will keep me going as a Sierran.

During my journey as your acting president, I saw just how much we care for one another especially when times get tough or difficult. What barriers we’re willing to break through for each other because we are #OneFamily. As I always say, let’s continue to make time to bond with each other because we are stronger together and that no one gets left behind!

It is through that same love and care that we have for each other as a result of our focus on bonding as #OneChapter, that we continue to care about our personal wellbeing as much as for those around us.

Not forgetting that it is crucial that we grow ourselves in tandem with our businesses as for most if not all of us, it is our lifeline. When we continue to build ourselves up so that we are better able to support ourselves and each other through whatever comes, we are all playing our parts in creating a strong healthy sustainable ecosystem, one based on teamwork, mutual respect and reciprocity.

3 years in, I love that I still have many great conversations and continue to learn new things about each other even though we’ve been in the chapter together for some time now. These conversations and moments are precious as they instil new levels of trust and vulnerability that are reciprocal. Being able to let go, and to trust again will help us grow forward. With some reflection, it allows us the permission that we accept that we have each other’s backs.

With that said, because I feel that we are now aligned, I believe it is now time for us to grow again with #OneBeat. And so I humbly ask every Sierran to come together to put in the time and take ownership of passing each other more business and of course opportunities for collaboration to achieve bigger things as a chapter and individually.

I also believe that our chapter will grow organically, when we place an equal emphasis on the key points listed above. Because with this mindset, we are in a better position to give and instil a givers gain attitude and culture.

Thank you everyone who took the time to read this! You are awesome.

Sierra #OneClap

Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you in our coming Tuesday morning meeting.

With love,

President | BNI Sierra Apr 22′ – present

Read more at Message from the Leadership Team