Message from the President

First and foremost, a big heartfelt gratitude to Voon Fei and the outgoing term for their service over the last year. We thank you for your time and contributions to the chapter. I believe each term will come with its highs and lows but nonetheless please join me in giving, all of them a roaring round of applause, hearts and kisses for pulling the chapter forward, at a time of turbulence for all our businesses. The chapter has had many members come and go, but we are still hovering strongly at 51.

Now I thought long and hard about what I would like to say today, and some of you may know that I was at my ice hockey game last night. I spent the night thinking about what it meant to be part of a team, a family and a chapter with one beat.

Most of you who have done your gains with me, will know that I’ve been at it for 12 years. Every single member on my hockey team is my family, and I will go above and beyond, to help them any time. Even rock up to games at 12 midnight, which I have in the past, to stand side by side for those precious moments of wins and losses and laughter. The same way I feel about my hockey team, I declare here and now, I feel about each and every Sierran.

During my tenure taking upon myself the responsibilities held as President of Sierra, there is nothing more I want, than for all of us to be there for each, to grow through the coming ups and downs, and keep it mind that whatever the outcome we can do it better together as Sierrans.

On that note, I invite each and every Sierran to share in that vision with me, for all us to develop further, both as individuals and in our businesses respectively, to continue to leverage on one another and to go forth bringing about a Sierra that is stronger together, and one we can all be proud to be a part. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank every single leadership team member in this term, for voluntarily taking up their roles and sharing in my vision to guide all Sierran forward.

Thank you all for this opportunity, we will not let you down.