Message from the Leadership Team

The Leadership Team, specifically the Top 4 and help to steer the direction of our chapter and business community. Let’s hear a few words of their experience in the past term and the path moving forward in the coming term.

Dear Sierrans!

Great day everyone! Hope this message finds you well and in the best of health!

I just wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts with everyone after serving the chapter for the last six months! Still can’t believe how fast time flies when you’re having fun.

Before I continue my long message, a big shout out to my leadership team for standing strong and contributing in our shared direction for the chapter thus far. Your time and commitments are much appreciated. I can’t thank you guys enough for all that you do.

Continue at Message from the President

Vernon Foo,
President – BNI Sierra LT 2022

It has been a great honour and pleasure to have been given the responsibility of taking care of our Referral Partners and new Referral Partners in BNI Sierra. Before I go any further, I’d like to take the time to acknowledge and thank the previous MCC team of Solomon Oon, Wang Chee Liang, Vincent Liu, Gael Le Page, Deana Adziz and Jaycie Teng for their time and contributions these last 6 months and also welcome on board our new MCM members of Dennis De Witt, Joseph Choong and Damon Kok for taking up this challenge. Together we are infinitely stronger.

In line with our President’s vision, we aim for quality and having the backs of our Referral Partners first and foremost to grow a chapter we all can be proud of to call family. With this, we hope to show an increase in retention and close business figures in line with continuing this tradition of excellence Sierra has had all these years.

I look forward to the next 6 months and taking Sierra to the next level together with our MCM and LT team. Thank you Sierrans for all your efforts and let’s grow our family and business together! #SierraFirst #OneBeat #OneFamily

Khoo Lyn Yen
Skincare – Living Skin
Vice President, LT 2022 – 2023

I am very honoured to be entrusted with the Secretary/Treasurer role in Sierra. Like any going concern having the financial support from our referral partners is important to enable the Chapter to organise activities which will increase bonding between referral partners and provide opportunities for more business growth and collaboration. This will not only attract more visitors to Sierra but also ensure that we achieve our target of 60 happy contributing referral partners by end of 2022.

I would like to thank all referral partners for their trust and participation. It was a pleasure to work with the current Leadership Team and I look forward to engaging with all our referral partners in the new term for more exciting ideas on business collaboration and in taking Sierra to the next level of performance.

Onebeat Sierra!!

Gillian Chong
Practice Director
UOB Wealth Advisors Sdn Bhd
Secretary / Treasurer – BNI Sierra LT 2022

It is an honour to continue serving the chapter as Lead Visitor Host. Despite some challenges in the last term, Sierra still managed to attract some new best-in-class Referral Partners.

The last term also saw Referral Partners grow and strengthen their connections with one another, building stronger bonds with translates into collaborations. All Power Teams also took the time to relook into their Sunshine List (with the inclusion of new members) in hope to attract ideal Referral Partners further strengthen their Power Team.

With the above strategies now in place, along with some adjustments being introduced into the way we do business in BNI, I am really confident that we will achieve our chapter goals. And I believe that all Referral Partners will ensure that we cross the finish line with our heads held high.

Foong Eu Jin,
Corporate Insurance Specialist
Lead Visitor Host – BNI Sierra LT 2022

Thank you to the Leadership Team of 2022 and fellow members of BNI Sierra for your great support. We look forward to the new term moving forward from October with eager anticipation!