Message from the Leadership Team

As we are preparing to transition over to the new leadership team for BNI Sierra at the end of this month, a few words from our business leaders who has helmed and helped navigate us through this term.

It was a great pleasure to be able to serve a great chapter like Sierra as President together with a team of capable leaders.

Our efforts have translated on paper, chapter size increased, more contributing members and we also able to improve retention for contributing members, and all these resulting in more business transacted.

My vision of happy contributing culture for Sierra is progressing and will be continued through the leadership of Vernon. He’s the kind of leader that cares a lot about his people, not just in business but down to the personal level. And I think after a long struggles with the pandemic, he’s the type of leader that Sierra needs.

I look forward to his leadership and bring our chapter to a Titanium chapter.

Wong Voon Fei,
President, LT 2021 – 2022

It has been the greatest honor to have served the BNI Sierra for the last six months. I am grateful to everyone who has served with me in the MCC team such as Winson Tung, Gillian Chong, Vernon Foo, David Jong, Wang & Vincent Liu and is proud of the progress we have made together.

We have worked tirelessly on the chapter’s behalf, cultivated 16!! New members into Sierra since March 2021 and motivated by a single overriding criterion: What is in the best interest of our chapter while ensuring all our members have positive business referral & collaboration.

As per our BNI leadership system, the chapter will now be endowed by a new leadership, and a fresh perspective to focus on creating happy contributing members in our chapter and moving us forward in cooperation and unity.

I will look forward to working with the new LT team and I’m sure there will be more opportunities for me to express this sentiment in the coming years, but for now, let me simply say, once again, “Thank you.”

Tara Chong,
Chinese Metaphysic Consultant
Vice President, LT 2021 – 2022

I’m honoured to be the Secretary Treasurer for this term. Working alongside with our president Voon Fei and Vice President Tara, we’ve increased Sierra’s membership to 53 and improve many collaborations in between.

Thank you to all our LT members that worked together for us to achieve great success, and to greater heights in the future!

There are a lot of opportunities in BNI, from BNI business matching, to international collaborations.
It’s all about Giver’s Gain, relationship and collaboration.

We wish to continue to instil the spirit of Happy Contributing members for the upcoming term.

All the best to our LT’s for the upcoming term!

Wuan Xin TEH,
Children Entrepreneur Training Platform
Secretary-Treasurer, LT 2021 – 2022

Thank you to the Leadership Team of 2021 – 2022 and fellow members of BNI Sierra for your great support. We look forward to the new term in the coming April with eager anticipation!