Message from the Leadership Team

As we are preparing to transition over to the new leadership team for BNI Sierra at the end of this month, a few words from our business leaders who has helmed and helped navigate us through this term.

Despite many challenges, we made it through the last 6 months with results that we can be proud of. Thank you to all of you who placed your trust and support in my direction as a new president.

I still remember when I first became the president of Sierra chapter, I spoke about a vision which we are aiming towards building a happy contributing culture. I even wrote an article about the vision 2023.

What’s really important in the speech I gave during the April Closed Door Meeting, is that we got to be hopeful, we got to have a plan and we got to stay focused in executing the plans so that we can achieve success.

I have to admit that it’s easier to say than getting it done. Which is true, in my learning experience along the journey, I noticed that there are many things happening to us or around us, which are beyond our control. They could distract us, and disrupt our plan. Hence, we got to always remind ourselves to stay focused on what we are trying to achieve ultimately.

Once again thank you to the outgoing leaders:
✓ Yee Peng as Vice President (Negative Ion Health Clothing)
✓ Faye Lim as Secretary/Treasurer (Civil Litigation)
✓ Wuan Xin as Network Education Coordinator (Children Entrepreneur Program)
✓ Timothy Liew as Chapter Growth Coordinator (Retail Interior Designer)
✓ Vernon Foo as Event Coordinator (Bio-degradable Packaging)

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Wong Voon Fei,
President, LT 2021

I am extremely honor when President Voon Fei offered me the position of Vice President 6 months ago. I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to serve the community and able to work with a remarkable team. Indeed it has been a fruitful 6 months seeing how the team has come together under the leadership of the visionary President Voon Fei, bringing Sierra back to Platinum status

My gratitude to my dedicated Membership Coordinator Committee (MCC) team: Gillian, Damon, Winson, Sashi and Tara, thank you for your contribution in handling all matters relating to membership. I appreciate your selfless support, inputs and patients.

We may be of different ages, from different backgrounds; but we met here, all in pursuit of a common goal, it’s to make Sierra a better place to grow business together.

I will be passing my baton to Tara Chong and I’m confident she is capable to handle the role well. Lastly, I wish the incoming Leadership Team all the best and looking forward to more great things to come.

Cheah Yee Peng,
Health and Wellness Product
Vice President, LT 2021

To my family members of Sierra,

It is truly humbling & a great privilege to have had the opportunity to serve the chapter as Secretary-Treasurer.

I wish to give special thanks to Mr. President, Voon Fei and to our lovely Mdm. Vice President, Yee Peng in guiding me as well as being a pillar of support throughout this term. Aside, I wish to thank the other LT members comprising of Wuan Xin, Vernon, Timothy, Takhoe, May Suan, Edwin for a truly fun term coupled with the constant support and encouragement. I will deeply miss working with all of you! Grateful to Kelvin Koay as well for helping me out as the assistant ST role.

Whilst Voon Fei is continuing the next term as President with his new team including Wuan Xin as my successor, I am sure that the chapter will grow to unsurpassable heights! The past months have been a true joy for me and I will always cherish these memories. Wishing everyone all the best & see you all around soon.

Faye Lim,
Civil Litigation
Secretary-Treasurer, LT 2021

LT term april 2021
Thank you to the Leadership Team of 2021 and fellow members of BNI Sierra for your great support. We look forward to the new term in the coming April with eager anticipation!