Message from the Leadership Team

As we are preparing to transition over to the new leadership team for BNI Sierra at the end of this month, let’s hear a few words from our business leaders who share their appreciation to chapter members who have helped BNI Sierra navigate through 2020 and into the 2021.

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone in Sierra for giving me this opportunity especially Winson Tung who have entrusted me as his successor. I have found that being the President is always fully supported by not only my amazing Leadership Team but also by our Sierra members.

The contribution of everyone makes our chapter so darned satisfying to work with and it makes the effort a very worthwhile 1½ years. We have done so much in so little time, the highest of high of touching Platinum chapter and fast forward to the opportunity of being the showcase chapter for the region.

The value of my Presidency in Sierra is more than any cash could be offered. One could hardly fathom the number of intricate decisions, strategies and plans to make a chapter to be successful. To dive into the gist, I couldn’t have done it without our members. I will miss it, although I am looking forward to going back and sitting where you are!

Lastly, I am looking forward to handing on the baton to Voon Fei and being there for him, as he holds the torch to continue to be a Sierran that’s ready to serve. As with many Presidents before me, the wheel of Presidency has to go on, so our commitment to you, our members, and to the spirit of Giver’s Gain®

Edwin Ng, Commercial Contractor
President, LT 2020-2021

My fellow Sierran, my “family”,

Time flies, we are heading to another term in BNI journey together soon. I recalled when our former vice president elected me as her successor, I said this to her: “I think a female member is more suitable for this post, for me, VP roles as a “mummy” in the chapter, she needs to take care all the “children” and groom the chapter.” Well, I accepted the challenge. Looking back these good six months, I think I have fulfilled a daddy’s responsible to look after every one of you.

I also wanted to give special recognition to my MCC team: Gillian, Cathrine, Deana, Timothy, Gael and Alan Ho, I could not have managed the chapter well if without your constant support and encouragement. I will deeply miss working with each of you, looking forward to our lunch dates!

The past months have been an invaluable experience for me, I’ve grown not only as an architect but also as a leader. It is bittersweet for me to move on to my next role, but I’ll always look back on my time here with gratitude!

Damon Kok, Architect
Vice President, LT 2020-2021

It has been an wonderful journey, over the last 18 months, serving the chapter in the capacity of Secretary-Treasurer. My heartfelt gratitude to President Edwin, the leadership team and chapter members for the supports and trusts.

I’m humbled and grateful for the opportunity given, enable me to learn about leadership and administrating skill. As chapter is going through the pandemic period since last March, it is definitely not an easy for us in sustaining our business and many aspect, and I truly feel that we all tried our hardest and to the best of our abilities to strive though this challenge.

I’m looking forward to continue to serve the chapter in other area, grow together to achieve greater heights!

Cheah Yee Peng,
Health and Wellness Product
Secretary/Treasurer, LT 2020-2021

Thank you to the Leadership Team of 2020-2021 and fellow members of BNI Sierra for your great support. We look forward to the new term in the coming April with eager anticipation!