Lets Get Your Business Hacked, Will You?

Are you wondering why the title of this post triggers strong curiosity and concern for insecurity of being hacked for your confidential data? Indeed, this is something that we ought to look into very seriously. Here are some big questions that you shall ask yourself:
  1. Do you think you are free from being spied ?
  2. Do you think your business is secured enough and will never never get hacked?
  3. Do you think you really knew what and how your employees really handling your operation and track every information movements?
Always remember, threats comes in many forms from the hacking world, for instance things such as Viruses, Malware, SPAM mails, Spyware, Key loggers, Worms, Hijackers & many many more ways the attacks could take form. There are billions of these crawls through open network every single day globally.

Beware of threats of the Dark World

Have you ever heard of the term “DEEP  WEB & DARK WEB”? If you haven’t, its another world of internet which you cant see or search easily. You already know about websites like Wikipedia, Google, Amazon, YouTube, and Facebook. But they’re only a small part of the internet. Beyond those popular websites are sites hidden away and not readily available to the general public. That space is where the Dark Web and the Deep Web exist. So, basically, what you see, is only the tip of the iceberg. This is where the real world threat resides underneath of these iceberg which impose risk for your business security that you have been operating at the surface. The dark web and deep web impose high risk as majority information leaks and hacker activities conducted from these zones. You will be surprised with humongous activities that takes place in this vast underworld ocean for deadly hackers, stolen information’s extractions, drugs deal, human trafficking, fire weapons & ammunition, hitmans and many more illegal activities which you could never imagine. You wouldn’t know who and how its done because all the underworld transactions are anonymously encrypted and could not be traced

Understanding Hacker Groups

                 White Hat Hacker – a.k.a Ethical Hackers               Black Hat Hacker – a.k.a Cyber-criminals
After all, not all hackers are bad people. They are grouped into 2 categories as illustrated in image above. The one imposes real threat are the black hat hackers whom conduct illegal cyber criminal activities by breaking into systems and conduct nasty works. This is the hacker category that each business operators that shall defend them self from getting their personal and business data’s been hacked into. Majority SME’s have no idea whether they are vulnerable/exposed for hacking by these black hat group. This is where the white hackers comes into the rescue, where they are also known as Ethical Hackers. The ethical hackers are specialized into hacking into systems to identify the faults and vulnerabilities exposed within an organization and help the business to get protected from black hat hackers. Of course the ethical hackers conduct these activities with acknowledgement and endorsement by business owner, so don’t worry.

3 Major Mistakes  by SME’s today

  •  Use of ordinary Antivirus/Internet security programs : SME’s mistaken that use of such normal antivirus program enables them with complete protection, but they didn’t realize such program is build mostly for lightweight protection and designed for consumer market. A business security program are the actual protection tool that shall be adopted since those been design for advanced derivative defense in accordance to nature of company network traffic
  • No filtering of incoming internet traffic : Majority companies doesn’t have protection gateways to filter the incoming traffic from their Telco routers. In simple example, imagine if you leave the main gate of your house left open widely, that’s how easy for threats to penetrate into your business environment without much obstacle
  • Never bother for Data loss prevention : The threats can originate from within of company too, all it takes is one unsatisfied employee. Your company runs on information and If your information gets leaked, it is almost inevitable that you  will suffer financial loss, damage to your reputation or an increase in your competition.

So, lets get you Hacked : Penetration testing for IT security

Now, you knew the reality of threats, lets get your office environment tested by these ethical hackers. There are many IT Security organizations could assist you with the vulnerability check, in other term also called as penetration testing. When it comes to security implementations there are usually multi-layers (Level1, Level2, Level3 & so on) components are involved in safeguarding company system and data’s protection. Its up to company nature, design and need.

Affordability of security for SME’s

Since SME’s are very vulnerable for risk of attacks & spy today, its always recommended to have sufficient Level1 protections in securing incoming traffic and internal system. It is the responsibility of each organization to have preventive measure and defense system to avoid from getting hit by the open world threats.
Technology is our passion. We always kept our services up to trending evolution trend and only choosing quality and reliable solutions for our clients.  At Ronas Network, we can provide you FREE SECURITY ASSESSMENT on vulnerabilities in your company and help you with very affordable SME Plans to get protected from external & internal threats. We can help you design the right way of IT services setup from day 1. Connect with us at www.ronasnetwork.com