KH Tan & Nirvana Asia

My name is KHTan. I have been in advertising industry as Creative Designer for more than 20 years. During pandemic, live the opportunity to explore into the bereavement industry.

Since then I joined Nirvana Asia as an Service Advisor. Nirvana established in 1990 and be the leading bereavement care provider with 3 decades of experience.

How did you get involve in the industry and in Malaysia

I met my leader during BNI networking section. He inspired me how the bereavement industry help people to advance planning.

What made you decide to go do this business

During pandemic, my advertising business is big effected. To survive, | start looking for opportunities. And findout this bereavement industry can help me meet my goal to have financial freedom. And also how | can helping people to save funeral arrangements that increase yearly.

What differentiates you from your competition

What make me difference is, I’m representing the people (customer), because not only provide Nirvana Memorial service, | can also provide all the
major Memorial Company so that Customer can have all information.

Value you and your business provide

We aim to provide total holistic solutions for our customers. Help them to lock down the funeral cost for future use. Besides, we also create opportunities for more individuals to earn 5 figures income, free
from financial burden.

What is your insight for the industry or marketplace

People are still not that educated with bereavement industry, still have the mindset of old traditional funeral arrangements. And some very patang especially senior members.

Due to pandemic, people are start to have more awareness that death will happen anytime, without informing, regardless you are young or old.

What are the challenges and where are the opportunities

The only challenges is the market need more awareness about bereavement planning, this product is a NEEDs for everyone. We see the opportunity because almost 90% of the Chinese community yet completely pre-planning.

What kind of clients or contacts would you like to be connected to or in touch with

I would like to get in touch with

  • High network individual (Manager,
    business owners, CEOs, Datuk)
  • Senior that their children work overseas
  • Single father or mother
  • Critical illness people

Collaboration Im looking for

  • Agency Leader (Insurance, will)
  • House wife
  • Sales Executive

KH TAN : 012-8199 399

We Care, Eternally.

Our FB Page : hong.tkh. 7