Featured Speaker/Presenter: William Wong

My name is William Wong and I had been in the financial industry for almost 10 years. I joined Atomy as their distributor in year 2021.

Atomy is Korean company where it’s owned by Korea Atomic Energy Institute (KAERI) and Kolmar Korea. KAERI is founded on 3 Feb 1959 as Korea’s first comprehensive scientific and technological research institute to improve the quality of life for the general public.

While Kolmar Korea is founded on May 1990 and it is one of the largest OEM companies in the world.
In Atomy, we believe that customer success is the main drive of the business and Atomy is using the masstige strategy. Where Mass represent the mass market and tige comes from the word prestige.

How did you get involved in the industry and in Malaysia?

Being in the financial industry for almost 10 years, there are common issues which arises when it comes to multi-level marketing. Joining a company with a similar vision and objective is a big YES for me.

What made you decide to go into this business?

I always believe that everybody should and can aim for a better lifestyle – be it health or wealth. I can definitely do that with Atomy and I am looking forward to bring lots of positive changes to people around me.

What differentiates you from your competition?

I recommend my clients to make mindful decision about which product to purchase so that they can get more value out of their money spent, so that they will have more funds to do other investment.

What value do you and your business provide?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Here is where I believe that we should be guiding clients to take baby steps when they are trying to aim for better health and wealth. I can guide and assist my clients to slowly reach for their goal. Start small and slowly grow as time passes by.

What is your insight for the industry or marketplace?

The common problem faced with multi-level marketing industry is where the competition is very tough and demanding. We are always competing and sometimes we even compete with our own members. We really need to find a platform which is able to make team works together as a team.

What are the challenges and where are the opportunities for Malaysian businesses within your industry?

The challenges are there are so much temptation and distraction which divert our focus away from our life’s goal and there are several opportunities / methods to reach one’s goal. Finding the platform which suits and align with the individual’s goal is the challenge.

What kind of clients or contacts would you like to be connected to or in touch with?

I would like to get in touch with people who are in charge of the household expenses so that they can start getting cashback from shopping at our online shopping platform.

Contact William Wong on 012-248 0488 to learn more about his business.