Featured Speaker/Presenter: Darren Meng

Hi, I’m Darren Meng, and I’m the founder of Ines Translation & Interpretation. We are a language translation and localisation agency based in Malaysia, dedicated to helping businesses and individuals bridge language barriers and communicate effectively in today’s globalised world.

With a team of experienced linguists and a commitment to excellence, we ensure that language is never a barrier to communication, be it written translation or oral interpretation.

How did you get involved in the industry and in Malaysia?

My passion for languages and my background in legal study led me into the translation and language services industry.

I saw a growing need for accurate and culturally sensitive translations in Malaysia, which prompted me to establish our agency here.

At Ines Translation, we recognise the growing demand for professional translation services in this diverse and multicultural country.

What made you decide to go into this business?

The power of language to connect people and foster understanding is what inspired me to start this business. I wanted to facilitate effective communication across cultures and provide a valuable service to those in need of translation and localisation solutions. We recognise the crucial role language plays in fostering communication and building connections. We want to contribute by ensuring that language doesn’t hinder growth and understanding.

What differentiates you from your competition?

As a certified translator under Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Institute of Language and Literature), our translation certification is recognised by government agencies, including Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Our commitment to quality, accuracy, and cultural sensitivity sets us apart. We have a team of highly skilled, native-speaking linguists, and we use the latest technology to ensure precision.

Additionally, our strong focus on understanding the global cultural context gives us a competitive edge.

What value do you and your business provide?

We provide businesses and individuals with the means to expand their reach, enter new markets, and connect with diverse audiences by delivering accurate and culturally relevant translations. Our services save time, reduce misunderstandings, and enhance the effectiveness of communication.

What are your insights for the industry or marketplace?

The global translation industry is evolving rapidly, driven by globalisation and digitalisation. It’s essential for businesses to embrace these changes and invest in professional translation to remain competitive, reach wider audiences, and adapt to the multicultural landscape.

What are the challenges and where are the opportunities for Malaysian businesses in relation to your industry?

Challenges include increased competition and the need to keep up with evolving technology. However, there are ample opportunities to tap into the global market, cater to diverse customer bases, and play a vital role in supporting Malaysia’s economic growth and international partnerships.

What kind of clients or contacts would you like to be connected to or in touch with?

We are interested in connecting with businesses of all sizes, government agencies, legal firms, marketing agencies, healthcare providers, and individuals who require translation and localisation services. We also welcome partnerships with fellow language service providers to enhance our service offerings.

