Wuan Xin TEH
Children Entrepreneur Training Platform
Tel: +6012 4077225
AI Talent is the 1st in Malaysia to instil entrepreneurial mindset and career skills in children with their education platform, and support children age 7-17 to start their own business.
These children are being exposed to more than 42 industries, which help stimulate and discover children’s career potential.
The children get to Meet the CEOs from various industries and countries in a virtual sessios. After they’ve completed the project provided by the business owner of the company, they will receive scholarships, internships or business license from the corporates that collaborates with AI Talent.
“My purpose of starting AI Talent is to support children to find their purpose in life”, said Wuan Xin. Her business partner Dr Nicholas’s motto is “I Believe in Children – TODAY!”
Wuan Xin and her partners support children to find their purpose and direction in life, and prepare them for their future. Currently they have more than 200 coaches across Malaysia, Thailand and Japan to support children job training in a global classroom.
Online classes and programmes are much preferred by parents nowadays. Hence, parents can send their children to attend classes both online or offline, by visiting their website: aitalentpdc.com.
Wuan Xin is looking for hometutors, owners of tuition centres, day care centre or homeschools who want to train their students to be future entrepreneurs, and her company is looking for collaboration with English or Mandarin learning centres in Korea, Cambodia, Taiwan, Australia, Philippines and Indonesia.