Experience the Smart Store

Did you know that Smart Stores are an amazing way for you to engage with customers to encourage them to purchase more?

Building a Profitable Retail Brand in the age of Corona is difficult, come find out how you can make your retail business pandemic proof by understanding what the Smart Store of the Future will look like. This webinar will be a collaboration between us and Intel Corporation as we work with them to address the needs of retailers post Covid-19.

Our speaker Mr. Raymond Ng will be sharing exactly what goes into creating a smart store and how you can leverage his expertise and the technologies available to help you to boost your business to the next level post Covid-19. Do join us in this webinar to find out more:

Claim your Reserved Seat: https://bit.ly/VCWEB-1021
Date: 21 October 2021
Day: Thursday
Time: 4.00pm

IOT #Retail #DesignProfitableSpaces

Raymond Ng,
Retail Segment Marketing Manager – Internet of Things Group (IOTG) @Intel Corporation

Raymond is Retail Segment Marketing Manager at RBHE, IoTG, Intel Corporation. He joined Intel in 2004. He has an extensive track record in designing and implementing new strategies and go-to-market models for digital signage, driving OPS (open pluggable solution) for standardization of smart display solution worldwide. He holds MBA from University of Sunderland and Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering from University of Electro-Communication in Japan

Retail is in our blood. In our 15 years as retail consultants and designers; we have worked with retail brands with only 1 goal in mind, to build profitable businesses for my retail clients. Connect with us if you have more questions about this article or even your thoughts on this sharing. Please feel free to share this piece with your friends who are in the restaurant business. For more questions about how we can help in working with you to design your retail space which will connect with your shoppers, connect with us at connect@viscreative.com #VisCreative #DesignProfitableSpaces #Retail #Business #Money #Mall