Eve Tan & 51Talk

Eve Tan was recently recognised as the Highest Revenue Contributor for September 2023 by BNI Sierra – making this her second Highest Revenue Contributor recognition in the past rolling 12 months.

Eve Tan

Key Account Manager,
51Talk Training Sdn Bhd
Learning Centre for English Communication
Tel: +016-8846126

As the Key Account Manager, my role is to increase the visibility of 51Talk English communication courses in Malaysia.

51Talk is a leading online English teaching platform that provides high-quality language education to students all over the world. Founded in 2011, it has become one of the largest online English language education providers in the world, serving millions of students and employing thousands of qualified English teachers globally, and 51Talk has been listed in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) since year 2016.

51Talk offers a wide range of courses, including general English, business English, test preparation, and more. The courses are designed to meet the needs of individual learners, with customized learning plans, interactive lessons, and real-time feedback from experienced teachers. 51Talk is a HRD Corporation registered training provider and our courses are fully HRD Corp claimable.

How did you get involve in the industry.
I have more than 15 years of work experience in the education industry and had held many different positions in various departments. I have vast experiences in sales & marketing, business development, customer relations and project management. I strongly believed in lifelong learning as it fosters personal growth and development. According to the Sun Daily, there have been ongoing concerns and criticisms related to Malaysia education system. Some of the common issues and challenges associated with Malaysia’s education system include disparities in quality, language of instruction, teacher quality and curriculum relevance.

Referring to the debate on the language of instruction, while Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) is the primary language of instruction, there have been discussions about the role of English in education and the need for greater proficiency in the language. Therefore, I venture into 51Talk to offer conducive learning environment to Malaysians to improve their English literacy skills.

What made you decide to go into this business and industry
I was head-hunted by 51Talk and I was impressed with the company background and their business model. The way of the lessons being delivered is unique as it is 1 on 1 real live thru 51Talk AirClass App.

How is 51Talk different from the other competitors.
51Talk offers 1 on 1 real-time online training lesson at an affordable rate and 100% HRD Corp claimable. 51Talk has a wide range of courses, including general English, business English, test preparation, and more. The courses are designed to meet the needs of individual learners, with customized learning plans, interactive lessons, and real-time feedback.

With more than 20,000 experienced native English-speaking teachers, we are able to offer flexible scheduling options where participants can book a class 1 hour in advance via our self-developed teaching app – 51Talk AirClass by using either a computer, Ipad or mobile phone.

51Talk uses the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) as a guideline for English language proficiency levels. The CEFR is a widely recognized framework for describing language ability, and it is used by language schools and institutions around the world to assess and measure language proficiency.

The value that 51Talk provides to our clients.
Below are the values of our training lessons:

  • Personalized Attention
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • Location Independence
  • Convenience and Comfort
  • Customized Learning Topics and Levels
  • Immediate Feedback
  • Cost-Effective
  • Enhanced Focus
  • Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Recordings and Replays

Some insights with regards to the industry and/or marketplace.
As part of my last knowledge, the online education market in Malaysia was growing rapidly, and the demand for online English courses was on the rise. Malaysians appreciate flexibility in learning, hence, providing courses that are self-paced or offer flexible schedules can attract more learners at all age.

Challenges and opportunities for Malaysian businesses in relation to the education industry.
The education industry in Malaysia is highly competitive, with many providers are offering similar courses. Standing out and differentiating offerings is a challenge. Providers need to develop unique selling propositions and focus on niche markets or innovative course delivery methods. At this point, 51Talk has an advantage over our competitors in terms of teaching staff quantity and stability of teaching platform.

The shift towards online education due to the pandemic has created opportunities for Malaysian businesses in e-learning platforms, educational technology, and content creation. Therefore, 51Talk is tapping into this growing market by offering online courses, tools, and resources.

51Talk offers 1 on 1 online courses to improve English communication be it in sales, presentation or just general communication. 51Talk offers a variety of topics tailored to different age groups and proficiency levels.

Visit https://en.51talk.com.my/