Cathrine Leong & USANA

Cathrine Leong was recently recognised as the Highest Revenue Contributor for January 2024 by BNI Sierra.

Cathrine Leong is a dietitian and graduated from a local Malaysian university back in 2013. In 2017, she joined Usana as a distributor.

USANA is a US company and internationally recognized for high-quality, science-based nutritional supplements, healthy foods, personal care products, and skincare products.

“At USANA, we believe in supporting a holistically healthy lifestyle, which includes eight main tenets: a whole-food based, low-glycemic diet; proper hydration; quality sleep; stress management; regular exercise; regular and consistent skincare; mindfulness; and high-quality vitamin and mineral supplementation.” – Cathrine Leong

How did you get involve in the industry and in Malaysia

I met my colleague during my first job as a dietitian in a local chained beauty centre. She showed me on how I could accomplish my visions in a world free from disease.

What made you decide to go do this business

As mentioned I’m a dietitian and nutritionist whom emphasize a lot in healthy living. I believe that the best “cure” for an illness is to prevent it even before it takes place. While we can’t change the non-modifiable risk factors such as our age and our gender, what we can do is to have regular exercise, healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and as well as with the supplement of verified health products.

What differentiates you from your competition

Some of my competitions are “Jack of All trades” that sell different products – from healthcare to house hold products,  and lack of focus. In contrast, my company is the “Master of One” – which focus in verified and testified science based health products.

Value you and your business provide

We aim to provide the solution for a common obstacle that is faced by majority of the people nowadays – which is the inability and difficulty in obtaining healthy and balanced diet. Different person would require different nutritional support, and there is not any “one-size-fit-it” all solution. And thus I am dedicated to provide the necessary advise for my clients in order to achieve their health targets.

What is your insight for the industry or marketplace

An ideal healthy lifestyle is challenging with the hectic urban lifestyle and tight working schedule, and this is further made difficult by our current pandemic. Number of people have been affected by this pandemic directly or indirectly. This has indeed raised the health awareness among us. Therefore health and supplement industry play an extremely important role in fulfilling the demands of our clients’ needs.

What are the challenges and where are the opportunities for Malaysian businesses in relation to your industry

There are numerous brands of verified health supplements on the market but unfortunately the

market is also affected by some non-verified supplements that may costs more to the consumer and questionable outcome. Worse case scenario they may even cause unwanted health hazards. I am able to provide a third-party verified, MOH regulated and approved health products for my clients.

What kind of clients or contacts would you like to be connected to or in touch with

I would like to get in touch with clients who need advise and assistance in health optimization by means of nutrition and life style modification.

Nutrition is my passion, I love to share and educate people on the impact of on nutrition on their daily activities and also what they can do to ensure they stay healthy through healthy lifestyle and balance diet.

Talk to me for your personalized nutrition and healthy lifestyle.凯芯-261288327873224

Cathrine Leong was recently recognized as the Highest Revenue Contributor for January 2024 by the chapter. For her contribution, BNI Sierra members strive to work on exploring more business opportunities and referrals with her. Congratulations Cathrine!