Can’t Sleep? How to Catch Some Z’s Naturally

Insomnia-natural way & supplement way to help.

It is the worst! Everyone loves a good snooze, because it is how children grow and brains shift short term memory into long term ones. When you are trying to lose weight, sleeping means you are not eating (or taking in more calories). And beauty buffs understand the cost of not sleeping well: wrinkles and saggy eye bags. If you have trouble catching some quality sleep, are you doing these?

Skip the Electronics

The most common reason why you have trouble sleeping is electronic devices. There are studies that show that our phones, televisions in the bedroom, and tablets are stopping us from having good quality sleep. The blue light, which is the shortest energy wavelength at 380nm to 500nm, is the highest energy on in the spectrum. Blue light is shown to stop our body to produce enough melatonin, a hormone that helps us fall asleep.If you are suffering from insomnia because of your phone or tablet, it is best to set a schedule. Experts seem to recommend at least 30 minutes of electronic free time before bed, but the longer the better. The television in your room might be the reason why you are not sleeping well or enough, so get rid of it and see if it helps.

Exercise, Time It Right

Everyone knows that exercising is good for you, the health benefits are endless. However, exercising too close to your bed time may be the reason you are not sleeping well. Our brain is excited, blood is pumping throughout our body, causing our basal temperature to rise and stop you from going to sleep. Try vigorous exercises in the morning, or earlier if possible. If you cannot, try yoga or the pool, where the water can help keep your body temperature low even though you are exercising. Water is a good conductor of heat, so your body’s heat will disperse easily into the water, even if you have a good cardio session.

Foods that Aid Rest

Magnesium has always been a favorite when it comes to rest and relaxation; the studies about how it helps us rest better are abundant. You can find magnesium from green leafy vegetables, nuts such as almonds and peanuts, and seeds. If you are hungry before bed, banana or yogurt contains tryptophan as well as magnesium, plus they are lower in glycaemic index. Complex sugar digests slowly, to avoid insulin spike, which makes it harder for you to fall asleep. Stressed? The age old remedy of warm milk and chamomile tea can alleviate stress, so that you can rest better.

Healthy Habits

Aside from electronics and exercise, what we eat throughout the day can also affect our sleep time at night. If you like white rice, good news! It can promote good quality sleep, as long as you eat it a few hours before bed time. If you hate taking tablets but need a good amount of vitamin B complex, eat beans and mushrooms, as they are also high in vitamin B like niacin and folate.

Of course there are tablets to help you sleep quickly, but those are merely short term. We should strive for eight hours of quality sleep, because it is important for our body to rest and recharge. If these tips are not helping you, you should visit your doctor for a check-up, make sure that they are no other underlying problems that are stopping you from having a good rest or talk to your pharmacist for more information.