Building a Profitable Retail Brand – Post Corona

With close to RM 21.9 billion in retail sales expected to be lost due to Covid 19 (source: Edge Markets), it is truly a challenge to build profitable retail business in the era of Covid-19.

Thus, join us for our latest webinar in 2021 which tackles this very subject. Come learn how tools such as the clock work model and the 3 barriers model can help you build a profitable retail business. Sign up details below:

Day: Wednesday
Date: 31 March 2021
Time: 4.00pm
Link to Sign Up:

Who is this webinar for:

1) Retailers in the fashion, F&B, Shoes, Grocery, etc
2) Mall Management who want to understand what are the challenges in building a profitable Retail business post covid
3) Investors who are thinking of starting / investing in a new retail business
4) Fast Moving Consumer Goods Brand managers who want to move in a direct to consumer model

What they will learn:

1) How to use the Clock Work Model to understand your customer journey with your brand
2) How to use the 3 barriers framework to develop a competitive advantage in your business
3) Case Studies of successful retail brands

Retail is in our blood. In our 15 years as retail consultants and designers; we have worked with retail brands with only 1 goal in mind, to build profitable businesses for my retail clients. Connect with us if you have more questions about this article or even your thoughts on this sharing. Please feel free to share this piece with your friends who are in the restaurant business. For more questions about how we can help in working with you to design your retail space which will connect with your shoppers, connect with us at #VisCreative #DesignProfitableSpaces #Retail #Business #Money #Mall