A Video That Will Reinforce Your Brand

I recently came across an animated short by Mailchimp to pay tribute to the spirit of entrepreneurs throughout the current challenges.

Disclaimer: This isn’t an ad, sponsored content and Mailchimp isn’t a customer of ours (nor, in fact, are we customers of theirs!) I simply wanted to share this analysis as a great, recent example of video marketing.

Spare a minute, and enjoy this clip!

I must say the simplicity of the design (like doodling) is one of the things that make this video stand out.

While the visual is appealing and all, what really strikes deep into my heart is the narrative…Let me show you what they did correctly.

Here’s what the video says:

“Look at you.
All of you.
Even you.
Dreaming up your biggest ideas yet.
Designing your world.
And building it, too.
And shaking it.
And mowing.
And creating it.
If you’re sometimes overwhelmed,
by an often overwhelming world.
Know that your ideas will flow again.
You’ll pick yourself up and go again.
Who you’re meant to be, you’ll be.
Because you’re never gonna stop,
and neither will we.”

What the video doesn’t say:

Not a single word about Mailchimp’s product, features or pricing.

What the video says, without actually saying:

  • Mailchimp is a brand that advocates for small businesses.
  • Mailchimp is a brand that supports different niches from tattoo artists to gardeners and cares deeply about it.
  • Mailchimp is a brand with a conscience and personality.
  • You, the viewer (assuming you’re an entrepreneur) are part of something bigger than just you, and Mailchimp shares your values.
  • Mailchimp will be with you (even if you aren’t a customer, yet!) as you grow your business, both now and in the future.

Packaging these messages subtly, through a storytelling approach will result in a 1-minute of entertainment. Where people can 100% enjoy the clip without the fear of being sold to! I can imagine entrepreneurs sharing this video to their entrepreneur buddies saying “Hey, we’ll get through this together“.

And I always say, if you want your video to sell…don’t sell in the video. People nowadays are very sensitive to videos they see online, because so many brands try to sell to them.

Even when I was scrolling on social media, when a video pops up with a brand logo on it, in my mind I knew this brand is going to sell me something. And subconsciously, I have already placed a barrier, a resistance to buy EVEN before they had the opportunity to sell me anything.

What Mailchimp did was not just smart, they truly understand that the story should never be about them, it should be able their customers that they deeply care about.

Time to think…

  • What does your brand stand for?
  • What’s the value that you share with your customers?
  • Could you tell a story that goes deeper than that?
  • That says a million words in 60 seconds about who you are?

Key Takeaways

Less is more. Simplicity in design can be easily consumed more.
It’s never about being lazy… it takes an extremely high level of skill to produce something simple yet appealing. All those empty spaces in the canvas give breathing room for the viewers. (Also reduces eye fatigue)

Know your audience’s motivations and concerns
Imagine you’re talking to your customers. That’s what this video is doing! Brands that show empathy are the ones that people love to do business with. Tell your audiences in 60 seconds that you hear them, you feel them, and remind them that you’re here.

Remember, facts tell; stories sell
Facts bore people, but story is what hooks people. Story is what makes people pay attention to movies for as long as 3 hours! Create content that bleeds story and creates an emotional response. This will encourage your audiences to spread the word.

Article by Voon Fei, C.E.O. of Northern Lights Studio

Sparked your imagination?

Did you get an idea for a story to tell through your brand? My team and I would love to hear from you! Please schedule an appointment with us to get started!

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