Featured Speaker/Presenter: Raymond Ng

Hello! I’m Raymond Ng, the brains behind Wolfpack Management, an HR specialist company.

I’m a mechanical engineer by degree, and for the past 6 years, I’ve been tinkering with machines, rubber, inspection, and designs.

But you know what?

My heart yearned for something more… human. So, I decided to leap into the world of HR.

It’s like going from “nuts and bolts” to “people and culture.”

Raymond Ng Wolfpack Management

What made you decide to start a business as HR specialist?

The journey! It has been like a rollercoaster. To summarize, I realized that I wanted to work with humans more than machines.

Don’t get me wrong — I love designing a functioning system, but there’s something magical about helping people find their careers.

What differentiates you from other HR Companies?

Career development! We’re not just about filling job vacancies; we’re matchmakers for professional soulmates.

Our secret? We add on a little bit of mentorship, a pinch of skill-building workshops, and a whole lot of encouragement. Our candidates don’t just find jobs; they find their career advancements.

What is your insight for the industry or marketplace?

Two things keep me up at night: brain drain in Malaysia and the rising HR costs.

Brain Drain: Bright minds are leaving Malaysia at a critical level. Our brain drain rate is 5.5%, higher than the global average. They seek better salaries, juicier career prospects, and cosmic opportunities elsewhere.

HR Costs: Employers wrestle with salaries — offering competitive pay to retain talent. And finding skilled candidates? It’s like searching for Malayan Tiger in the jungle.

What kind of clients or contacts would you like to be connected to or in touch with?

Wolfpack Management

Picture this: a cozy campfire with a circle of Business Owners, Human Resources Department, and Hiring Managers.

That’s my dream connections! Let’s chat.

Whether you’re a startup founder or a seasoned HR, I look forward to spending my time discussing on the HR issues above.

Let’s Connect!

Easy-breezy! Drop me an email at raymond@wolfpackmy.com or give me a shout at 01111652136.