Featured Speaker/Presenter: Manju Tarshini & R Manju & CO

Manju Tarshini

R Manju & CO
Real Estate Lawyer
Tel: +60 16-363 5342

I am Manju, a practising lawyer based in West Malaysia and the founder of my firm, R Manju & Co which was established in 2021. Our areas of practice include litigation and conveyancing.

How did you get involved in the industry and in Malaysia

Having won first place in State and National level Public Speaking competitions multiple times during my school days have sparked my

interest to become a lawyer as both share some elements of advocacy besides being argumentative towards a certain direction and outcome. Soon after starting my practice, I discovered a hidden interest towards conveyancing.

What made you to decide to go do this business

The idea behind starting my own law firm was stirred following the inspiration of some of my idols in the industry who started their business in much younger days whilst energy and knowledge are at its peak. I was further lucky to have successful entrepreneurs in my family guiding me through the process of creating my own fort and branding.

What differentiates you from your competition

Besides conveyancing, I am well versed in other areas of practice like family, civil litigation and criminal matters. The diversity of the cases I have taken up in my practice enables me to be well equipped with knowledge across the different branches of law. I am always commended for my efficiency and timeliness in my work besides giving my best to achieve the desired outcome in contested matters. I believe these work ethics set me apart from others.

Value you and your business provide

We are committed to delivering efficient and effective legal solutions in all forms of property transactions. We constantly seek to improve our services and care we take with each and every client to exceed our clients’ expectations in a professional, timely and courteous manner.

What is your insight for the industry or marketplace

We thrive to make any property or real estate transaction completely legal while giving both parties assurance and security against any potential fraud. We also aim to educate public on matters pertaining conveyancing from drafting to interpreting agreements/contracts to legal procedures involved in conveyancing transactions.

What are the challenges and where are the opportunities for Malaysian businesses in relation to your industry

As with any other industry, the legal fraternity faces more competition with legal firms emerging on a daily basis. This is further worsened by the financial state of public that has deteriorated post pandemic. Nonetheless, we thrive to provide the best advice and solutions to our current pool of clients as their word-of-mouth recommendations do not fail to bring new clients to us.

What kind of clients or contacts would you like to be connected to or in touch with

I would like to connect with anyone seeking advice on conveyancing transactions. Subsale real estate agents and bankers would be our ideal referral partners.