Cheah Yee Peng & Nefful

Cheah Yee Peng

Health & Wellness > Health & Wellness Products
Tel: +6012-2328602

A distributor of negative ion heath clothing from Nefful International, a Japanese company who is the market leader in functional health clothing. She has experienced how the negative ion clothing has helped her overcome migraine and sinus that has bothered her for years, thus she is dedicated to help more people to improve their health by a simple way, through changing their clothing.

Many of us know about how nutrition and exercise can let everyone live healthier lives and preserve their vitality, however due to the environmental issue in urban city, many people has been expose to risk like pollution and electromagnetic field.

In order to enhance being living, experts have discovered how negative ions can help to improve human’s health. We have seen many health related products in the market are based on the negative ions heath concept, whereby Nefful who has established since 1973, dedicated to the development of producing garment that can generated negative ions to improve health. In addition to its R&D, Nefful also put and emphasis on the concept and knowledge of designs that focus on overall appearance.

How can negative ions help?
Natural negative ions can be found in abundance around waterfalls, mountains, seaside, forests, after rain and thunderstorms.

4 main benefits of Negative Ions:

  1. Purifies Blood & Improves blood circulation, which it helps increasing oxygen capacity of red blood cells when exposed to negative ions.
  2. Rejuvenate cells and increase cell metabolism, optimizing our body oxygen intake and waste elimination in our cells.
  3. Boost body immune system, according to a published paper, Immunological Effect of Long-term Exposure of Negative Air Ions on Human, it was shown that the percentage of NK cells with the exposure of the ions was lower than without ions.
  4. Balance autonomic nervous system (ANS), negative ions can increase the alpha brain waves to inhibit sympathetic nerve activities and excite the parasympathetic nerve, it balances the system and improves areas such as sleep and hormones.

Cheah Yee Peng was recently recognised as the Highest Revenue Contributor for June 2022 by the BNI Sierra. For her contributions, BNI Sierra members strive to work on exploring more business opportunities and referrals with him. Congratulations Yee Peng!

Promoting negative ion products from Japan, mainly garments and bedding set made from Neoron. Neoron fiber has the unique capacity of always gaining electrons and thus negatively charged, it helps to improve our health by purifying blood, enhance body immune system, rejuvenate cells and balance autonomic nerve system.superior products in the Malaysian market and will continue to do so in the coming future.