6 Reasons Why It’s Important to Upgrade Your Email Security

When’s the last time you evaluated your email security? Most organizations’ IT professionals trust the security already in place when email systems are internally hosted, or trust the security provided by their email provider (such as Office 365 email security). However, security breaches continue to happen each year, despite the security solutions designed to block threats. And, most of these threats are delivered via email.

In 2017, 269 billion emails were sent and received, according to Statista, with businesses accounting for half of that. That number is only projected to grow.

If your email security solution isn’t adequately protecting your organization, you may be part of the growing number of companies who have had costly security breaches. Gartner estimates that there were between 2 million and 3 million successful ransomware attacks in 2016, and that the frequency will double year over year through 2019.

That’s why it may be in your best interest to convince your boss to upgrade your email security. Here are six reasons that can help your boss understand why your email security solution may need to be upgraded:

Reason 1: Email is the most common IT security threat for organizations
Whether it be malware, phishing, URL-based threats, impostor-driven schemes like business email compromise (BEC), email is the primary method hackers use to deliver harmful programs to an organization or individual.

An estimated 75 percent of identified, impactful threats were initially entered via email attachments and 46 percent of attacks were executed by users clicking web links in email, according to the SANS Cyber Security survey.

Reason 2: Email-based attacks affect the entire organization
Due to the continued prevalence of email, a harmful email that slips through your defense can wreak havoc throughout your organization. All employees are affected by phishing email, using carriers, banks or sharing solutions brands name to lure them. It can seriously harm your company, especially if a ransomware effectively holds your company information and/or systems hostage.

An average business user receives 4,380 potentially malicious emails every year, according to the Verizon 2017 Data Breach Investigation Report.

Reason 3: Basic anti-spam email filters are not enough
Hackers are developing increasingly sophisticated ways to bypass email security systems, including redirecting good URL addresses to phishing URLs. The growing challenge then is for organizations to ensure they have the right email defenses in place to detect and stop advanced threats. Often, additional layers of email security are needed on top of base email security.

As Gartner notes in the Key Findings Gartner market guide, May 2017, “advanced threats are easily bypassing the signature-based and reputation-based prevention mechanisms for email security. (We recommend organizations) supplement gaps in the advanced threat defense capabilities of an incumbent SEG by adding a specialized product tailored for this purpose…”

Reason 4: Email-based threats are evolving and increasing, putting more organizations at risk every year.
With email as the main entry point for cyber attackers, it’s important that companies ensure their email protection is actually protecting them from new and evolving threats. New predictive email security defenses are helping organizations significantly improve their email security.

As reported by Wired, about 91 percent of all hacking attacks start with a phishing or spear-phishing attempt. Yet a successful email security system can quickly recognize and block spear phishing attempts, which will significantly decrease your risk of a serious breach.

Reason 5: Your email security filter only catches known threats
Most email defense systems aren’t predictive, but rather reactive. The most sophisticated cloud email security today is predictive in that they augment standard signature-based and anti-spam capabilities with contextual inspection as well as spoof and anomaly detection. This is achieved by amassing comprehensive threat intelligence databases worldwide and using Artificial intelligence (AI), heuristics and machine learning for real time analysis of suspicious emails, attachments, and URLs that can easily evade a traditional SEG.

Using a global analysis of fingerprint and reputational elements, new email security technologies complement existing email security by combining global and local analysis. Global analysis of email and email-borne threats enables learning from the past to predict the future. – Gartner Newsletter: Securing Cloud-Based Email. The Need for Complementary Solutions Backed by Artificial Intelligence

Reason 6: Your Job May Depend On It
Cyber breaches not only affect a company’s pocketbook and reputation, but can also a person’s livelihood. IT security staff, C-level executives and even employees who open up malicious emails can be blamed for a cyber breach and ultimately fired.

Having a robust, effective email security solution has been a necessity for most organizations today. It is the responsibility of every business to protect themselves, their clients’ and their employees’ sensitive personal identifying information. Not doing so can amount to a costly breach that can wreak havoc on an organization, resulting in lost money, damaged reputation and a series of layoffs.

The Solution
Here at Ronas Network can help to secure your mail service closed managed service monitoring, support & reportings. For further details, you can contact us directly.

Source: https://ronasnetwork.com/2019/12/13/spam/

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